Four things’ homeowners/ landlords look for in tenants:
When trying to find a rental there is a laundry list of things that renters must keep in mind. However, there are four qualities that homeowners look for the most in their tenants. You may be surprised to know that they are much simpler than your credit score.
First, is cleanliness. We aren’t talking about the last-minute cleaning of the house before the “big bad landlord” shows up, we are talking about the overall condition of the property after you have signed a rental agreement. Are there holes in the walls? Are there extra occupants? Is there excessive trash throughout the property? Most, if not all, homeowners care about the properties they are renting out. In fact, most homeowners lived in that very property themselves at one point in time. The Zebra Magazine says that… “in 2015, 74.4% of rental properties were owned by individual investors and not corporations.” Because of this, these properties may hold sentimental value to the homeowner. Therefore, cleanliness is a huge indicator to the homeowner that you are a quality tenant and that you care for their property as if it were your own.
You know what they say, communication is key. The same goes for the rental relationship. It is very important to communicate with the owners of the property you are renting. They have spent a large amount of time and money on their investment, so it is a breath of fresh air to watch someone care for it. Remember to answer calls, be prompt when meetings are scheduled, and make time for them when they make time for you. This relationship doesn’t have to be awkward; the homeowner just wants the peace of mind that you care for their property as much as they do. Consistent communication shows that you are a renter worth keeping.
Being truthful is everything. This quality may be the most important when moving into a home. If you have a pet, or multiple, tell your homeowner upfront to avoid any awkward or unwanted phone calls later down the road. The best rule of thumb to follow is to leave everything out on the table. Being honest upfront will save you and the homeowner a great deal of headaches in the future. I have rented to individuals in the past that presented some red flags, but they told me everything up front and ended up being great tenants. The stories that resonate with homeowners the most almost always have to do with dishonest tenants. Don’t be one of those stories. Just like a relationship with a friend or a spouse, trust is built through honesty.
Lastly, attitude is always reciprocated. Being polite and easy to work with goes a long way. If you are polite chances are your homeowner will be too. When you are renting you are borrowing another individuals property. Having a good attitude towards the homeowner will make both of your lives easier. Don’t make them hate coming by, and more so, don’t give them a reason to dislike you. You don’t have to kiss up to them but make sure to treat them with respect and they will do the same. Attitude is everything. It can help determine what your future rental relationship will be like. Bad attitudes can create bad feelings or hostile and awkward situations between you and your homeowner.
Being both a renter and a landlord, I have seen good rental relationships turn bad and homeowners at a loss due to bad tenants. Always remember that a good reciprocal relationship relies on both parties working together, not against each other. Most times, a bad rental relationship arises because of lack of respect for the home, miscommunication, lies and deceit, or bad attitudes. Keep these four qualities in mind the next time you’re in the market to rent.
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