By Alyssa Gross
January 20, 2020
1. What do you want to change? Look at websites to get inspiration for the redesign. Write down exactly what you like, and why, and look at your local home store for prices! Once you know what it is exactly what you like and what you don’t like, map it out. Make a list, prioritizing what it is that you want to change and everything else that you’d like to do. Keep it in sight, and refer to the list throughout your renovation project to help stay on track! 2. What are your resources? Your resources, for your project, should include your time, budget, and energy. Decide between an update, and an overhaul, make sure that you consider the amount of time, money and energy it’ll take to finish the project. 3. What’s your budget? How much can you spend? Figure that part out, and then subject 30% from this number and set it aside just in case something else pops up, damages occur, or anything like that. 4. What’s it look like? Sketch it out! Do a rough sketch, it doesn’t have to be perfect, but sketch out the layout, including fixtures, cabinets, appliances, sinks, or storage options. Include everything you’d like to incorporate into the renovation, and you’ll use that as a blueprint! 5. What are the measurements? This might sound weird, but if you are taking measurements, take them twice, and then have someone else take them twice. Compare them, and make sure they’re the same or very, very similar. That way you won’t have any mistakes and you won’t have to worry about what you’re doing, because you know 100% that they’re correct! 6. What’s the bottom of the floor look like? It should look brand new, and that’s because you’re going to replace it. It allows you to start fresh, and get rid of any damage, water or wear and tear damage, that commonly occurs. 7. Where is everything? Organize everything in the room that you’re renovating in another room, so that you will be able to find it. Whether it’s spices, or body wash, or toys, make sure they’re easy to find and where you put them make sense! Why would you want to do any of this? Because it brings more value to your home! Which is great, and you get to enjoy the upgraded features (or upgraded rent)! It makes your space more functional, to address the changing needs of the rental market or your family, and also gives opportunity for more storage options!